Richmond Fire-Rescue will determine that a Fire Watch Program is required for one or more of the following reasons at your building:
- Nuisance alarms; or
- Significant loss or reduction of water supplies for sprinkler, standpipe and/or fire hydrant systems, including fire pumps, water reservoirs, etc. which are required for fire fighting purposes; or
- A loss of reduction of the normally intended performance of any life or property safety system; or
- A loss of normal and/or emergency power supplies necessary for the intended performance of any life or property safety system(s); or
- A loss or reduction of required means of egress from a building. A means of egress includes the path of travel from any point within a building to a safe area in a public thoroughfare; or
- Activities for which the floor area is not specifically designed, or protected from, or where the level of intended protection is reduced; or a condition exists, which in the opinion of an Officer of Richmond Fire-Rescue, reduces the level of protection to the building or life safety of the occupants of the building; or
- A loss or reduction of any required fire lane or emergency access routes or openings; or
- A hot work operation is being conducted. Hot work includes but is not limited to welding, brazing, grinding, or other process which may cause arcs, sparks, hot particulate or rise in temperature that may ignite combustible or flammable materials.
The building owner or the owner’s designated representative is expected to initiate and maintain a Fire Watch Program in accordance with the instructions and procedures of the Fire Watch Notice, on his or her own initiative, with or without the involvement of Richmond Fire-Rescue.
A Fire Watch Program log shall be maintained at the building.
The log must be available to Richmond Fire-Rescue, upon request, at all times during the Fire Watch.

Richmond Fire-Rescue can not cancel your Fire Watch Notification.
Please get in touch with the technician who completed your repairs for more information on your current status.
It is the responsibility of the owner or the owner’s designated representative to cancel the Fire Watch once the fire or life safety system has been repaired and fully restored.
Once the Fire Watch Program has been cancelled, the owner or owner’s representative must notify the alarm monitoring company (if applicable) and provide Richmond Fire-Rescue with the appropriate documentation. (See form below)
For additional information about life or property protection systems, please contact us with your inquiry.