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The Great British Columbia Shake Out – October 19th, 10:19 a.m.
16 October 2023

The Great British Columbia Shake Out – October 19th, 10:19 a.m.
16 October 2023
With the increasing frequency of earthquakes worldwide, it’s crucial to ensure that we are well-prepared for such natural disasters. Being informed and ready can make all the difference in ensuring the safety of ourselves and our loved ones.
Thursday, October 19th at 10:19 a.m., join over 60 million people worldwide and 700,000 in British Columbia by participating in the Great BC ShakeOut.
Register you, your family or your group to participate by clicking on the link below:
Here are some essential earthquake preparedness tips to keep in mind:
- Create an Emergency Kit: Put together a supply kit that includes non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, batteries, a first-aid kit, and essential medications. Make sure to customize it for your family’s specific needs.
- Develop a Family Emergency Plan: Discuss with your family members where to meet in case you get separated during an earthquake and establish a communication plan. Designate a friend or relative as an out-of-town contact.
- Secure Your Home: Anchor heavy furniture and objects to prevent them from falling during an earthquake. Know how to shut off your gas, water, and electricity in case of leaks or electrical issues.
- Practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Teach your family members and colleagues the appropriate actions to take during an earthquake: drop to the ground, take cover under sturdy furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops.
- Stay Informed: Sign up for earthquake alerts and stay updated on local emergency plans. Understand the potential risks in your area and take them into consideration when preparing.
- Emergency Contact List: Maintain a list of important phone numbers, including local emergency services, medical facilities, and your out-of-town contact. Ensure your phones are charged and have backup power sources.
- Safety Drills: Periodically conduct earthquake drills with your family or coworkers to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an earthquake.
Remember, preparedness is key to minimizing the impact of an earthquake on our lives. By taking these simple steps, we can increase our chances of staying safe and helping others during an earthquake.
Stay safe and stay prepared!