City of Richmond News, Fire-Rescue News, Press Releases, Recent Fire and Life Safety Information
VLOG #15 Kylie MacDonald joins the Education Branch
11 March 2021

VLOG #15 Kylie MacDonald joins the Education Branch
11 March 2021
Richmond Fire-Rescue welcomes a new educator.
Kylie was born and raised in the City of Richmond and has been employed with the city since 2008. During her time with the City, she has been a Lifeguard Instructor, Aquatic Shift Supervisor, and an Emergency Programs Coordinator. Kylie has recently come back to Richmond after working for Vancouver Fire Rescue Services as their Public Education Specialist, she now holds the position of Fire and Life Safety Educator with Richmond Fire Rescue.
After graduating from J.N Burnett Secondary she went to university to become a nurse. Because of her medical background and passion for emergency response, she followed up with a career in firefighting. She now holds many certifications in firefighting, emergency response, fire education, fire inspections, and fire investigations.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family outdoors and also volunteering her time as a medical officer for large events and as a covid safety officer for the movie industry around the lower mainland.
Welcome Kylie.