City of Richmond News, Fire-Rescue News, Press Releases
SQUAD Band-Aid Contest is on NOW!
26 May 2023

SQUAD Band-Aid Contest is on NOW!
26 May 2023
Contest Rules
Enter the contest by sending us a photo of someone in your family utilizing a Squad Band-Aid, then send the picture to us with your cell phone, laptop or desktop computer.
Once received, we will enter your name into a draw to win one of our fabulous prizes.
Prizes include:
4 Passes to VR Sandbox virtual reality – Value $260
Eight races at TBC Indoor Cart Racing – Value $248
Gift Certificate at Savage Creek Golf Club – Value $150
8 Games at Planet Lazer Tag – Value $126
Prizes Draw Dates:
Thursday, July 8th
Thursday, July 22nd
Thursday, August 12th
Thursday, August 26th
- Only ONE of the prize packages is available per draw date.
- The winner will choose their favourite prize, leaving the remaining prizes for the next draw.
- Once a prize has been selected, it can no longer be won.
- Prizes cannot be exchanged once they have been accepted.
- Prize winners accept all liability.