City of Richmond News, Fire-Rescue News, Press Releases
Squad Band-Aids and Summer Contest Information
14 April 2023

Squad Band-Aids and Summer Contest Information
14 April 2023
The Squad is concerned about your fire and life safety needs and your cuts, scrapes, bumps and bruises.
Introducing SQUAD BAND-AIDS!
Our Teeny Tiny Hereos are a fantastic way to help heal those unexpected Boo-Boos. But wait! There’s More!
Our Teeny Tiny Hero Contest begins July 1st and runs all Summer long.
Submit a picture of you or your family member wearing a Squad Band-Aid, and you will be included in one of our bi-weekly draws for incredible family fun prizes!
Stay tuned to our social media channels for more information about the contest, the prizes, and how to submit your entry.
Squad Band-Aids, you know you want them!