Stick it, Don’t Flick It..The World is Not Your Ashtray
18 August 2020

Stick it, Don’t Flick It..The World is Not Your Ashtray
18 August 2020
“Stick it don’t Flick it” is our 2020 The World is Not Your Ashtray official campaign!
Made out of 100% recyclable materials and locally made, these pocket ashtrays are a must for smokers.
If you would like to be in our video series, please send a video of you or your family telling smokers to “Stick It” in their pocket ashtrays and not “Flick It” on the ground.
See our videos here:
If you are interested in acquiring one of these fabulous devices, please me directly at or come by the Brighouse Fire Hall, 6960 Gilbert Road and pick some up.
We look forward to your video debut!